Dietitian online consultation in London- Products that are good for the skin


Beautiful skin starts with a plate of fruits or vegetables. Dietitian online consultation in London selected the perfect skin products that you should definitely put on your plate.


Products that are beneficial to the skin, which will be discussed below, will help to preserve the aesthetic and physiological functions of this most important organ of the human body.


What to eat to keep your skin healthy?

But, despite all the hardships, our skin manages to maintain its integrity due to two important qualities: strength and regeneration. But to make sure these "superpowers", they must receive the necessary nutrients, the source of which is primarily food.

So, we present to you several products, the use of which will have a positive effect on the condition of the skin:

     Mushrooms. These forest products contain vitamin PP (niacin), which is important for skin health. Its deficiency leads to a disease called pellagra, one of the symptoms of which is dermatosis, characterized by peeling, redness, and inflammation of the epidermis, a reduction in its resistance to aggressive solar radiation, and hair loss.


     Lactic acid products. Natural yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk containing lactic acid bacteria help to normalize digestion. This ensures more efficient absorption of nutrients by the body in general and the skin in particular.


     Diet meat. Chicken, turkey, venison contains a large amount of protein and amino acids, from which collagen and fibrin are synthesized. These proteins play a structure-forming role in the cells of the skin and the intercellular space, thereby ensuring its firmness, elasticity, and strength.


     Berries. Cherries, black currants, sea buckthorn, rose hips are sources of vital vitamin C. Among its many functions, there is the stimulation of the production of the same collagen protein that provides the skin with firmness and elasticity. A lack of this substance leads to the terrible disease of scurvy, one of the signs of which is the fragility of the capillaries in the epidermis and a decrease in its strength.


     Fatty fish. The meat of mackerel, tuna, salmon, and much other fish contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-3 and Omega-6 groups. These compounds play a huge role in biochemical processes that provide the skin with normal hydration, thermoregulation, and regeneration of the damaged epidermis.


     Greens. Spinach, green onions, lettuce, parsley, dill, and other green vegetables are high in antioxidants. This group of compounds, very diverse in nature, have the general ability to reduce the influence of free radicals, which cause oxidative stress on skin cells and thereby provoke signs of premature aging, as well as cancer.

It is impossible to describe in one article which products are good for the skin of the face or body - there are too many of them because a wide variety of substances affect its health. In addition, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, since the same products do not always bring the same benefits to the skin. Therefore, before drawing up your menu, we recommend hiring Dietitian online consultation in London, who will help you take into account important physiological nuances.


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